sábado, 31 de mayo de 2008

My invention (by Anita, 2D)

The man who invented the pen was Laszlo Biro, a journalist and inventor, and his brother Gero helped him.
Laszlo got the idea in 1938, when he was angry because he was writing a report with a fountain pen and it was very difficult. He saw children playing ball and saw one ball of them went over a puddle and the ball draw a line in the street. In that moment he got the idea.
He started it in 1938 and finished it in 1943. He put it the name "Birome" because of his surname.
I think the pen is something very important and indispensable.

1 comentario:

Susan Zilberstein dijo...

Great job! Just correct :"...saw their ball went..." "At that moment..."